
Helpful Home Resources

Please use the links below to obtain general property information, property tax information, and special assessment information. These links go to local city and county websites, therefore, we are not able to guarantee the accuracy of the information. If you come across any questions having to do with the information obtained from the websites linked below, please contact the appropriate City or County office. If you have questions regarding special assessments, please contact the appropriate City Assessor's Office for assistance.

City of Fargo, ND

Find information having to do with city services, taxes, special assessments, and much more.

City of Moorhead, MN

Find information having to do with city services, taxes, special assessments, and much more.

City of West Fargo, ND

Find information having to do with city services, taxes, special assessments, and much more.

Cass County, ND

Find property and tax information.

Clay County, MN

Find property and tax information

Homeowner Guide

At Brad Paul Enterprises, Inc. we are incredibly proud of the homes we build and we strive to create lasting value. The best way to achieve lasting value is for you as the homeowner to know and perform appropriate maintenance tasks. Periodic maintenance is necessary because of normal wear and tear and the inherent characteristics of the materials used in your home. Natural fluctuations in temperature and humidity also affect your home, resulting in maintenance items.

We recognize that it is impossible to anticipate and describe everything that is going to need attention for good home care. Therefore, we designed a Homeowner Guide that focuses on the items that homeowners commonly ask about, and also provides information regarding preventative and routine maintenance guidelines.

 Homeowners Guide

Mortgage Calculator Tool

mortgage payoff calculation